Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crazy Fun 4th of July!

We knew our fourth of July weekend was going to be crazy and fun. Jason's parents hosted a Harrington Family Reunion at their house. At one point there were 22 adults and 13 kids all sleeping at Jason's parents house. I also knew that our fun pack weekend would be exhausting. It would have been exhausting pre-kids let alone with two little ones out of their element. Lily also decided throw us an extra curve ball by running high fever and sending us to urgent care (don't worry she was fine...just really grumpy all weekend).

So here is the run down of events: 
Tour of a Sawmill in Wilmington (We are so dorky!)
Brinley's 5th Birthday Party at Miamisburg Pool
Spent all Day at the Creation Museum in Kentucky
Arrived Home to Discover Lily at a Fever of 102.9...yikes
Headed off to Canoeing
(after canoeing Jason and I took Lily to urgent care)
Lily's Baby Dedication at Church 
(You know she is not our first baby because she was still not feeling great, but I thought "hey we can stand up there for a few minutes, so we are proceeding as planned")
4th of July Picnic at Cruz's with awesome slip and slide
(Jason left Xander in the dust!)
Headed straight to the Comers to finish off the weekend with fireworks from their front yard. 
Whew! I am tired just writing the summary. It was a lot of driving, dragging kids around, wrangling kid stuff to and from places, and work in general. Why is even fun work with kids?  It was all worth it though in the end. Oh and if are concerned about Lily she is fine. After the nice urgent care dr. looked her over, she concluded that it was either a virus or her teeth and they really couldn't do anything differently than we were already doing. Wouldn't you know it but her two bottom teeth are pushing their way up. I think Lily owes us 50 bucks...we will just put it on her tab.  

1 comment:

Erin said...

Eventhough you already told me about all of this, it was nice to see the pictures! I love the one of all of you at the creation museum!